Tuesday, April 28, 2009

single payer health care

Cynthia McKinney - Health Care Single Payer

Cynthia McKinney - Health Care Single Payer

Video Tags:Cynthia, McKinney, Rosa, Clemente, Green, Party, President, Ralph, Nader, Barack, Obama, Single, Payer, Healthcare, Universal

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Yahoo news related to single payer health care

Montana group forms to push ‘single-payer' health care (Missoulian)
HELENA - A Montana group promoting a “single-payer” health care system for the nation has formed, hoping to educate the public and persuade policymakers like U.S. Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., that a single-payer system is the best option for reform.

Groups strategize for single-payer plan (Politico via Yahoo! News)
President Barack Obama and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) rarely pass up a chance to snub single-payer health care — a term that means a government-run system. So opponents on the left who want their voices heard in the debate over health care reform are planning to yell a little bit louder as Congress considers creating a public insurance plan to compete with private ...

Congressman predicts single-payer health plan (The Monterey County Herald)
National health care for all Americans is an idea whose time has come, a visiting lawmaker said Sunday at CSU-Monterey Bay. "It's in our face," Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash., said. "We can't avoid it. That's why something is going to happen.

Google news related to single payer health care

Groups strategize for single-payer plan - Politico  rarely pass up a chance to snub single-payer health care — a term that means a government-run system. So opponents on the left who want their voices heard in the debate over health care reform are planning to yell a little bit louder as Congress ...

White House Office of Health Reform Director deparle Says She Is ... - Kaiser network.org  In related news, advocates for a single-payer health care system plan are stepping up their lobbying efforts, Politico reports. According to Politico , "Their strategy is simple: By pushing hard for single-payer health care, a robust public insurance ...

Reforming Health Care - Washington Post  The opposition to a public plan option is understandable; conservatives, health insurers, health-care providers and others see it as a slippery step down the slope to a single-payer system because, they contend, the government's built-in advantages ...

Flickr pictures related to single payer health care

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