Wednesday, April 29, 2009

swine flu milwaukee

4-27-09 MHD Swine Flu Press Conference

Milwaukee Commissioner of Health Bevan Baker, FACHE, addresses assembled Milwaukee, Wisconsin media about the swine flu outbreak in the U.S., and what the city is doing to prepare for it.

(Commissioner Baker is joined by Dr. Geof Swain, MD, MPH - MHD's Medical Director and Chief Medical Officer, and Paul Biedrzycki, MPH, MBA, CIH - MPH's Director of Disease Control and Environmental Health.)

Video Tags:City, of, Milwaukee, Health, Department, swine, flu, epidemic

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Yahoo news related to swine flu milwaukee

H1N1 Swine Flu Virus Reaches Wisconsin, Four Milwaukee Schools Close Temporarily (FOX 6 Milwaukee)
Health officials have also identified a number of children who have symptoms related to swine flu Two probable swine flu cases have been found in Milwaukee, and four of the city's public schools have been ordered closed. A third probable case is reported in Adams County in central Wisconsin, officials said.

H1N1 Swine Flu Virus Reaches Wisconsin, Four Milwaukee Schools Close Temporarily (FOX 6 Milwaukee)
WITI-TV, MILWAUKEE - Two probable swine flu cases have been found in Milwaukee, and four of the city's public schools have been ordered closed. A third probable case is reported in Adams County in central Wisconsin, officials said.

Two Probable Swine Flu Cases Identified In Milwaukee, Four City Schools To Close (FOX 6 Milwaukee)
Adult And Child Identified As Cases Of H1N1 Swine Flu Virus The City of Milwaukee Health Department has identified its first two probably cases in a nationwide outbreak of swine flu. The include one adult and one child.

Google news related to swine flu milwaukee

Four MPS Schools Closed, 2 Probable Swine Flu Cases in Milwaukee - Newsradio 620  The City of Milwaukee has announced that it is investigating two probable swine flu cases in the city. One of the cases is in an adult, the other is a child. Health officials say those cases are not related. The city has ordered four MPS schools closed ...

Flu alert level raised; pandemic 'imminent' - USA Today  Chet Culver says two probable cases of swine flu have been identified in the state. Update at 7:58 pm ET: Wisconsin's first probable cases of swine flu have been reported in Milwaukee. (WHO Director-General Margaret Chan, right, and Dr. Keiji Fukuda, ...

SWINE FLU State Officials Prepare for Swine Flu Cases - American Chronicle  If you have flu- like symptoms, stay at home and contact your physician." Milwaukee Health Commissioner Bevan Baker said that although there were no confirmed or suspected cases of swine flu in the city, health officials were ready. ...

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