Thursday, April 30, 2009


nursecarrievid 0001

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Yahoo news related to klismaphilia

Middsexguy (Middlebury Campus)
This week, I will be discussing the many diverse and perverse fetishes that exist in our modern society. They range from furries to feet and make you consider how weird many of us really are. So, what is a fetish? A fetish is anything that becomes a consistent source of sexual arousal.

Google news related to klismaphilia

Cover Your Ears -- Congress Gets Nasty! -  Ever heard of apotemnophilia, coprophilia, frotteurism, klismaphilia or gerontosexuality? Thanks to Rep. Alcee Hastings, who had the embarrassing task of listing off the dirty deeds, we have. Rep. Hastings was mocking the language used in a proposed ...

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