Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Consequential Election

Frank Gaffney is the President of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, DC. His Washington Times column, "Consequential Election," can be found here:

Video Tags:Frank, Gaffney, Gays, General, Iran, Military, National, Nuclear, Obama, Security, Solicitor, Weapons

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Conservatives and liberals alike can agree on one thing after 100 days of President Barack Obama: This guy is going to be consequential. But will he be a spectacular success or a spectacular failure?

Obama's 12 Most Important Decisions: What Do You Think? (US News & World Report)
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Congress on Quattrocchi (NDTV)
Ottavio Quattrochi's name has been taken off the CBI's most wanted list. To BJP's criticism of the Congress related to the misuse of CBI, Congress' Abhishek Manu Singhvi said that this is a 'consequential order'.

Google news related to consequential

Obama to be spectacular success — or failure? -  But that's the thing — conservatives and liberals alike can agree on one thing after 100 days of President Barack Obama: This guy is going to be consequential. Now, how one defines "consequential" depends on the point of view. ...

First thoughts: Specter's shocker -  A consequential presidency: With Obama's 100th day in office, there are a ton of analyses out there. Be sure not to miss what one of us wrote on “[C]onservatives and liberals alike can agree on one thing after 100 days of President Barack ...

Kathleen Sebelius sprung! At last - Kansas City Star  The US Senate decided that a swine flu epidemic is just maybe more consequential than the old news that abortion doctor George Tiller attended a reception in the governor's mansion in Kansas. With the Senate's 65-31 vote, Democratic Gov. ...

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