Saturday, January 10, 2009

kerry collins

The Way Kerry Collins Copes With Pain

Homeopathic methods from the Titans new starting QB.

Video Tags:Collins, Drunk, Football, Kerry, NFL, Quarterback, Tennessee, Titans, Vince, Young

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Yahoo news related to kerry collins

Titans give Kerry Collins second post-season shot at Ravens (Canadian Press via Yahoo! News)
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - The answer is no. Kerry Collins has not watched the 2001 Super Bowl in a long time.

Ravens left mark on Kerry Collins in '01 (Boston Herald)
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - The answer is no. Kerry Collins has not watched the 2001 Super Bowl in a long time. Really, there's no reason for the quarterback to relive the...

Ravens revisit Kerry Saturday (New York Daily News)
The last time Kerry Collins faced Baltimore in the playoffs, he was the quarterback for the Giants who were playing the Ravens in Super Bowl XXXV. It was not a memorable performance. The Ravens clobbered the Giants.

Google news related to kerry collins

Ravens revisit Kerry Collins Saturday - New York Daily News  BY TIM SMITH NASHVILLE - The last time Kerry Collins faced Baltimore in the playoffs, he was the quarterback for the Giants who were playing the Ravens in ...

Collins and Lewis Meet on the Road to Redemption - New York Times  Reporters tried mightily to get Kerry Collins and Ray Lewis to take a walk down memory lane to January 2001 and revisit Super Bowl XXXV. ...

Live Tracking Divisional Playoff Weekend: Titans 7, Ravens 7 - New York Times  He looks like Kerry Collins again. Throwing off his back foot he overthrows McCareins and the ball lands in the hands of Baltimore’s Samari Rolle at the 12. ...

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