Friday, January 30, 2009

michael steele

Michael Steele outlines conservative ideas in Civitas speech

Former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele discusses conservative beliefs. He delivered these remarks April 28, 2007, during the John William Pope Civitas Institute's Conservative Leadership Conference 2007. (Video from Carolina Journal Radio,

Video Tags:civitas, conference, conservative, institute, john, leadership, michael, pope, steele, william

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Yahoo news related to michael steele

Michael Steele elected RNC chairman (USA Today)
The Republican National Committee has elected former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele the first black Republican National Committee chairman.

Michael Steele becomes first black RNC chairman (AP via Yahoo! News)
Michael Steele was elected Republican National Committee chairman on Friday, defeating the incumbent party chief and three other challengers over six rounds of voting to become the first black to lead the GOP. The former Maryland lieutenant governor takes over a beleaguered GOP as Republicans seek to rebound from back-to-back defeats in national elections that gave Democrats control of Congress ...

RAW DATA: Michael Steele Biography (Fox News)
Former Lt. Gov. Michael Steele was elected Friday the first black chairman of the Republican National Committee.

Google news related to michael steele

RAW DATA: Michael Steele Biography - FOXNews  Michael Steele was elected Friday the first black chairman of the Republican National Committee. Michael S. Steele served as Lieutenant Governor of Maryland ...

Who Will Lead The Republican Party? - NPR  Two of them are African American: Michael Steele, the former lt. governor of Maryland and a regular commentator on the Fox News Channel, ...

Bauer Congratulates Michael Steele on GOP Chairmanship - SYS-CON Media  30 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Former presidential candidate Gary Bauer on Friday congratulated Michael Steele on becoming chairman of the Republican Party. ...

Flickr pictures related to michael steele

  1. RNC elects its first African-American leader(CNN)
  2. GOP elects first black national party chairman(Yahoo!)

  3. Session 3: Michael Steele
  4. Me and Jackie with Michael Steele
  5. Former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele at GOP Press Conference
  6. Former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele at GOP Press Conference
  7. Former Md. Lt. Gov. Michael Steele with former New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani
  8. Michael Steele and Me
  9. Michael Steele and John Hawkins

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