Saturday, January 10, 2009

dinner at eight

"Dinner at Eight"

Rufus Wainwright performs "Dinner at Eight" for a Christmas special on American television.

Video Tags:at, Dinner, Eight, Rufus, Wainwright

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Title:Keane -- Dinner At Eight!!!!! Description:slide to keane's cover of dinner at eight.....there is a bit of rufus wainwright in there...!!!Title:Jean Harlow - Dinner at Eight (1933) Description:Jean Harlow @ Dinner at Eight (1933) by George Cukor<br />music by The Original Memphis FiveTitle:Tom Chaplin discussing Rufus Wainwright's Dinner @ 8 Description:Tom Chaplin discussing Rufus Wainwright's Dinner @ 8<br />All I WantTitle:Rufus Wainwright - Dinner At Eight (US TV) Description:Appearing  on late night US television, guest host Jimmy Fallon introduces a performance of "Dinner At Eight".  Aired June 27, 2003.Title:"The Art Teacher" by Rufus Wainwright (US TV) Description:Rufus performs a gorgeous "The Art Teacher" on US late-night televison. Watch how he hams it up for the camera/audience on the the word "loved" in the last line. Probably my personal favorite Rufus video. His intonation is really beautiful, in terms of both emotional expression and vocal quality.
Yahoo news related to dinner at eight

Admiration grows as Sproles gets a chance in spotlight (The Kansas City Star)
Ed Podolak arrived at a Denver restaurant for a late dinner on Jan. 3, and as he looked up at a television screen, he saw a remarkable — yet familiar — feat being performed.

UC coach to headline chamber dinner (The Hamilton Journal News)
University of Cincinnati men's football coach Brian Kelly is scheduled to be the featured speaker at the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce annual dinner in March.

Colorado Odyssey: Eight Days, Five Resorts (Hartford Courant)
Enjoying The Powder In Steamboat Springs, Winter Park, Beaver Creek, Vail, Breckenridge Since taking up skiing in my late 40s in 2002, I have been to 27 ski resorts. This time eight consecutive days of skiing at five major resorts on a 400-mile loop tour: first-time visits to Steamboat Springs and Winter Park and repeats to Beaver Creek, Vail and Breckenridge. ...

Google news related to dinner at eight

ICONIC MOVIE DRESS: Jean Harlow's in "Dinner at Eight" (1933) - Los Angeles Times  This Monday will mark the 75th anniversary of the theatrical release of "Dinner at Eight" (1933), the Depression-era MGM dramedy directed by George Cukor ...

La. Sports Hall of Fame welcoming 8 new inductees - Daily Comet  Tickets for the induction ceremonies and dinner, and golf entries, will go on sale in April, Hall of Fame chairman Doug Ireland said. ...

Saturday's Highlights - Los Angeles Times  Dinner at Eight: Wealthy socialite Millicent Jordan ( Billie Burke) is already anxious about an upcoming dinner party when her husband ( Lionel Barrymore) ...

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