Tuesday, July 14, 2009

obama first pitch

Baseball Opening Day

http://www.Watchmojo.com goes down memory lane and looks back at what makes baseball opening day so great, with trivia and anecdotes on William Howard Taft, Barack Obama, Bob Feller, Eddie Smith, Henry Hank Aaron and Babe Ruth.

Video Tags:mlb, opening, day, Baseball, pitcher, William, Howard, Taft, history, of, Barack, Obama, first, pitch, Bob, Feller, Eddie, Smith, Henry, Hank, Aaron, Babe, Ruth, homerun

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Sotomayor answers her Senate critics
Los Angeles Times
She responds patiently, assuring supporters if not winning over foes as she explains the legal bases for her past rulings. By David G. Savage and James Oliphant Reporting from Washington -- Skeptical Republicans did no serious damage to President ...
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