Sunday, July 19, 2009

james brond

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As Sotomayor and White House Avoid Ideology, Some on Left See ...
Washington Post
At her confirmation hearings Judge Sonia Sotomayor eluded efforts from both Democrats and Republicans to draw out statements of liberal thought. (By Melina Mara -- The Washington Post) | Buy Photo Comments that include profanity or personal attacks or ...
Diversity a touchy topic at Sotomayor hearingsLos Angeles Times
Sotomayor Confirmation Hearings, Day 4New York Times
Sotomayor would lend different experience to courtThe Associated Press
New York Daily News -Montgomery Advertiser -

Washington Post

Obama: Health-care bill a must
Chicago Tribune
WASHINGTON - -- President Barack Obama moved Friday to steady his campaign to overhaul health care, sending Congress a new proposal for curbing costs and taking to the airwaves to encourage Democrats laboring to ...
Obama defends fiscal viability of healthcare planBoston Globe
First Lady Steps Into Policy Spotlight in Debate on Health CareNew York Times
Obama Prods Congress to Reform Health, Saying Window Could CloseWashington Post
The Associated Press -St. Louis Post-Dispatch -
Washington Post

BBC News

Indonesia police reconstructing face of suicide bomber
JAKARTA, July 18 (Reuters) - Indonesian police said on Sunday they were reconstructing the face of one of the suspected suicide bombers from a severed head in a bid to push forward a probe into deadly attacks on two ...
Police may have found Jakarta bomber's laptopCNN
Jakarta Hotel Bombers Linked to Jemaah Islamiyah, Police SayBloomberg
Q+A - Islamic militancy expert Sidney Jones on Indonesia bombsReuters India -Washington Post -
BBC News

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