Thursday, July 16, 2009

humboldt squid

Trouble in Paradise

An earthquake offshore drives an invasion of Humboldt Squid to La Jolla's Shores. Can anything survive?

Video Tags:scuba, underwater, digideep, dive, humboldt, squid, harbor, seals, nature, HD, high, definition

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WASHINGTON — Democrats' health care bills won't meet President Barack Obama's goal of slowing the ruinous rise of medical costs, Congress' budget umpire warned on Thursday, giving weight to critics who say the legislation could break the bank. ...
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National Geographic
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Flickr pictures related to humboldt squid

  1. humboldt squid
  2. rafa releasing a squid
  3. humboldt squid
  4. humboldt squid
  5. humboldt squid
  6. fifi and chuck watching the squid
  7. the view from the cage
  8. frederick watching the squid
  9. chuck reeling in a squid
  10. humboldt squid

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