Wednesday, April 1, 2009

boeing rc 135

Boeing RC-135V/W Rivet Joint

The RC-135V/W is the USAF's standard airborne SIGINT platform. Its sensor suite allows the mission crew to detect, identify and geolocate signals throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. The mission crew can then forward gathered information in a variety of formats to a wide range of consumers via Rivet Joint's extensive communications suite. The interior seats 34 people, including the cockpit crew, electronic warfare officers, intelligence operators and airborne systems engineers. All Rivet ...

Video Tags:Boeing, RC-135V/W, airborne, SIGINT, Rivet, Joint, 55th, Wing, Offutt, Air, Force, Base, USAF

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Yahoo news related to boeing rc 135

North Korea threatens to shoot down spy planes (AP via Yahoo! News)
North Korea accused the United States of spying on the site of an impending rocket launch and threatened Wednesday to shoot down any U.S. planes that intrude into its airspace.

NKorea Says Will Shoot Down Spy Planes (FOX News Chicago)
North Korea accused the United States of spying on the site of an impending rocket launch and threatened Wednesday to shoot down any U.S. planes that intrude into its airspace. North Korea says it will send a communications satellite into orbit on a multistage rocket between April 4 and 8.

N Korea threatens to shoot down spy planes (Boston Herald)
SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea accused the United States of spying on the site of an impending rocket launch and threatened Wednesday to shoot down any U.S. planes that...

Google news related to boeing rc 135

N Korea to shoot down US spy planes - The Press Association  It was unclear what capability the North Korea has to shoot down the high-flying Boeing RC-135, which can reach altitudes of nearly 10 miles. The threat came a day after the North claimed the US and South Korea conducted about 190 spy flights over its ...

Couple married almost 60 years ‘left together’ - Richmond Times Dispatch  He flew a Boeing RC-135 reconnaissance plane. He was awarded his degree the day before he and Mary, a student at Mary Baldwin College, were married. Both natives of Huntington, W.Va., they had met for the first time at a Tech football game. ...

Kuzey Kore'den ABD'ye tehdit - Zaman  4-8 Nisan tarihleri arasında uzaya bir füze fırlatması beklenen Kuzey Kore'nin neredeyse 15 kilometre yükseklikte uçabilen bir Boeing RC-135 uçağını düşürebilecek kapasitede olup olmadığı bilinmiyor. Kuzey Koreli yetkililer, sadece Mart ayında ...

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