Wednesday, April 29, 2009

swine flu in maine

49 States


Video Tags:Rick Perry, Texas, Susan Collins, Maine, Senator, Governor, Stimulus Package, Swine Flu, Medical Funding, Politics, Nick, Gayandangry

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Title:Swine Flu Update in Texas Description:As a precautionary measure, Gov. Rick Perry today increased his request of antiviral medication to 25 percent (850000 courses) of the Texas allotment from the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC) Strategic National Stockpile to be prepositioned in the state. This request will augment the more than 840000 courses of antiviral medication on hand in Texas following a purchase authorized by the 80th Legislature and Gov. Perry in 2007. While the confirmed cases of swine flu in the US ...Title:Easter Description:4.12.09Title:Bill Hicks on Belfast, Ireland Description:Bill Hicks compares his popularity in Belfast, Ireland with America.Title:027: Accents Description:WATCH THIS VIDEO FIRST. IT'S SO CLESH.Title:Tina is SO Tropical Description:Seriously. COMMENT CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: Go on Facebook and look at your News Feed... comment with a totally ridiculous and outrageously out of context Status Update. Epic comments responding to the challenge of the day will be highlighted and read aloud in my next video!
Yahoo news related to swine flu in maine

Governor Confirms 3 Cases Of Swine Flu In Maine (WCSH 6 Portland)
AUGUSTA (NEWS CENTER) -- Governor John Baldacci announced at a press conference Wednesday that there are 3 confirmed cases of swine flu in Maine.

Maine confirms three swine flu cases (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Three adults in the northeastern U.S. state of Maine were diagnosed on Wednesday with H1N1 swine flu and are recovering in their homes, the governor's office said.

Swine Flu Spreads In U.S.; Claims 1st Life (CBS News)
The United States has seen its first death from swine flu. Centers for Disease Control acting director Richard Besser confirmed to CBS News early Wednesday that a 23-month-old child in Texas had died from the disease.

Google news related to swine flu in maine

Maine confirms three swine flu cases - Reuters  BOSTON (Reuters) - Three adults in the northeastern US state of Maine were diagnosed on Wednesday with H1N1 swine flu and are recovering in their homes, the governor's office said. "It is important for the citizens of Maine to prepare for this as they ...

Swine Flu Triggers Outbreak of Finger-Pointing on Capitol Hill ... - FOXNews  Democrats and liberal bloggers are complaining that Republican lawmakers -- most notably Maine Sen. Susan Collins -- stripped funding for pandemic flu preparedness out of the $787 billion package. Collins is one of three Republicans who worked with ...

Swine flu confirmed in Maine - Boston Globe  AUGUSTA, MaineMaine health officials say laboratory tests have confirmed three cases of swine flu in adults in the state. Maine Gov. John Baldacci and Dr. Dora Anne Mills from the Maine Center for Disease Control said Wednesday that there are two ...

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