Monday, March 2, 2009

texas independence day

Texas Independence Day!

On March 2, 1836, Texans declared their independence from the "corrupt and tyrannical" government of Mexico. What motivated their revolution should inspire us today.

Video Tags:texas, independence, revolution, liberty, freedom, sam, houston, ray, childress, michael, quinn, sullivan, Empower, Texans, for, Fiscal, Responsibility

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Title:Alex Jones Texas Independence March (3-2-07) Description:Alex Jones and many others participate in a march in Austin on Texas independence day protesting RFID chips to be placed in animals, the North American Union, and other issues that faces Texans and the rest of the world.Title:Complicated by South Texas Revolution Description:Quihi Road HausTitle:The Alamo Description:"*'* **** ** *** **** ** *** **** ** ** *** ***** ** ****** **** *** *** ******* ** ***** *** ******** *** ***?" <br />"** ** ** ********** **** ******* **** **** ** *** *** ** ********* *** ********. ** **** *** *****, ** **** *****." <br />"**** * ******, **'** *** * **** ** *** ***. * *******." <br />"Davy Crockett, *** **** ** *** ****!" <br />"** Santana *** *** **** ***** **, **'** **** **** **** **** ****!" <br />"****!" <br />** *** ***** *** *****, **** **** * *** ******* *** *** **** ************* ** ***. <br />"** ***** *** **** **, ****** *** ***** **** *********, * ***** **** **** **** **** *** **** ** *******, *** **** Davy Crockett ******, ****'** *** ******** ***!" <br />**** ***** ********* ** ******* ******** **** *** ** *** ******** ****** **** *********. <br />"*** **** **** **** *****, *** **** ***** ** * ***** ***." <br />"* ***** * **** ******** **** ** ****** *** **** * ** ***." <br />"** *** **** ** **** ****, ** *** *****, ** **** **** *** ***** **** ******** *** **** **." <br />"****! Santana! <br />"*** **** ******** **** ******, ******** **** ******, **** ******, ***** *** *** **** *** ***!" <br />"**** ** *** ********, *********. *** *****, ******** *** *****!"Title:Ron Paul - Start a Revolution Description:http://CAMPAIGNforTEXAS.COM - INFO <br />For hotel/contacts etc... <br />Texas GOP Convention - Join Us<br />San Antonio Ron Paul Meetup distributed <br />Info DVD's on 4/15/08 for Tax Day Rally<br />START A REVOLUTION!<br />Veteran for RON PAUL!<br />Peace,RobertTitle:ViewDo: How To French Braid Hair Description:Know On the Go! - To Download this and other useful ViewDos to your portable viewer for free visit<br /><br />French braiding is the perfect example of something pictures and words just can't seem to convey. This ViewDo shows in great detail the steps and finger placements... which is the key to a great French Braid!
Yahoo news related to texas independence day

Texas Independence Day Celebration (KIII Corpus Christi)
At the Texas State Aquarium, an event celebrated the Lone Star State. Monday is Texas' Independence Day.

Texas Independence Day celebration set (Waller County News Citizen)
WASHINGTON – The 173rd anniversary of the signing of the Texas Declaration of Independence will be commemorated Feb. 28 and March 1 at Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site.

Local group hosts program on Texas independence (The Marshall News Messenger)
A blue bonnet is not just the Texas state flower; it was also the kind of headgear worn by Phyllis Bridges at a Texas Independence Day celebration on Saturday.

Google news related to texas independence day

Texas Independence Day celebrated - Dallas Morning News  As Texas hero William Barret Travis, he helped thousands celebrate Texas Independence Day on Saturday. They wandered around the Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historical Site to mark the anniversary of the 1836 convention. Here on March 2 of that year, ...

Texas Independence Day Celebration - KIII TV3  An event celebrating Texas' independence wrangled up a huge turnout at the Texas State Aquarium on Sunday. The free event took people back to a much simpler life where gun toting cowboys ruled the west, or in this case Texas. There were kids in cowboy ...

Celebrating Texas’ independence - UT The Daily Texan  As Texans across the state prepared to hoist their “Come and Take It” flags and crack open a can of Lone Star beer today in celebration of Texas Independence Day, Austin’s French Legation Museum celebrated the state’s historic past with a little more ...

Flickr pictures related to texas independence day

  1. Cannon
  2. arf!  can i drive in the parade too??  (tx independence day #4)
  3. Looking mighty fine!
  4. Howdy Partner
  5. Dropping the hat
  6. Texas Independence Day Celebration
  7. Peek-A-Boo
  8. And now, we have Davy Crockett modeling the latest in men's headwear straight from Paris! (tx independence day #3)
  9. Saturday Ride 001
  10. Yee-haw!

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