Tuesday, March 31, 2009

usda planting intentions report

Yahoo news related to usda planting intentions report

March 31 USDA planting intentions preview (Agriculture Online)
The March 31 USDA Planting Intentions report is always one of the most significant reports of the year for the corn and soybean markets, as it takes the first stab at putting together the acreage jigsaw for the nation's two major crops, and allows analysts to start compiling balance sheets with government-approved numbers.

Planting Decisions, Marketing Decision, The USDA Report. What Should A Farmer Do? (CattleNetwork.com)
You are less than a week away from, what could be, a significant USDA report that will have an impact on the market for enough time to change planting decisions for the 2009 corn and soybean crop.

The February Supply/Demand Report (AG Weekly)
The February supply/demand report is typically a non-event as this report is sandwiched between the all important January final production report and the March planting intentions report.

Google news related to usda planting intentions report

USDA releases very bullish soybean data - Agriculture Online  On Tuesday, the USDA released bullish soybean data, and slightly friendly corn and wheat numbers, in its March Planting Intentions Report. CBOT floor traders are calling this USDA report bullish for soybeans, corn and wheat. ...

USDA Prospective Plantings: USDA Commentary for Key Crops - AgWeb  The largest acreage increase is expected to occur in Iowa, where growers intend to plant 200000 acres, 50000 more than last year. Acreage intentions increased or remained unchanged in all but 8 of the estimating States. The largest declines are in the ...

USDA planting talk can be viewed online - Palladium-Item  WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. -- Two Purdue University agricultural economists will share their insights on the recent USDA planting intentions report during an online meeting from 7 to 9 pm Wednesday. To participate or watch an archived version later, ...

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