Sunday, March 29, 2009 kca kids choice awards

KCA - Kristina Vote for Miley Cyrus in the following four categories... Favorite Voice from an Animated Movie Favorite Female Singer Favorite TV Show Favorite TV Actress Song: Breakout Artist: Miley Cyrus Thank you for your support! ...

Video Tags:Miley, Cyrus, Mandy, Jiroux, Kids', Choice, Awards, Vote, Nickelodean, Breakout, Hannah, Montana, Bolt

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Title:Miley & Mandy Show! KCA Description:Make an awesome video saying vote for miley for Kids Choice Awards!!!! Whoever makes the sickest video will win one of the two prizes (ipod case or diamond ipod) To let us know you made a video comment this video titled "Miley & Mandy Show! KCA" saying I MADE A VIDEO and then title your video that you made "KCA and your name"! Please make the video you made your main video so we can check it out! When we decide we will send you a message and let you know you have won! Now, two will win but ...Title:FRANK & DEROL - TWO HEARTS (Megan Park,Codi Caraco, Brandi Cyrus) Description:CODI CARACO, MEGAN PARK, AND BRANDI CYRUS PLAY THEIR ORIGINAL SONG "TWO HEARTS" LIVE! CODI CARACO - PIANO AND VOCALS MEGAN PARK- GUITAR VOCALS BRANDI CYRUS- GUITAR VIDEO BY- BRAD BELANGER ...Title:Miley movie Description:VOTE FOR MILEY CYRUS FOR KID'S CHOICE AWARDS 2009!!!!!! SHE'S THE BEST FOR SURE!! This is my entry for the Miley Kids Choice awards promotion video for mileymandy to pick me! PICK ME, I WANT THE IPOD OR ANYTHING! MILEY/MANDY PICK ME!! :D NOTE: ATTENTION YOUTUBE, I DO NOT OWN THIS SONG. I DID NOT WRITE THIS SONG. THIS IS NOT COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. THIS IS JUST A VIDEO FOR MILEY CYRUS TO SEE. song: breakout by Miley Cyrus love, claire ...Title:KCA Destiny - Vote for Miley! Description:This is my video for Miley and Mandy's contest. I hope-Miley and Mandy-If you watch this video then I hope you like it! You rock and you're both the best people ever! So VOTE FOR MILEY PEOPLE! ...Title:Miley Cyrus live interview on Ryan Seacrest 7/22! Description:title ...
Yahoo news related to kca kids choice awards

Beyonce, Will Smith, Vanessa Hudgens, Jack Black, iCarly, Selena Gomez, SpongeBob SquarePants, The Jonas Brothers, ... (PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance)

Google news related to kca kids choice awards

LEONARDO DICAPRIO RECEIVES FIRST-EVER NICKELODEON BIG GREEN HELP ... - PR Newswire (press release)  In a show highlight, Leonardo dicaprio accepted the first-ever Big Green Help Award for his extensive environmental efforts. Dedicated environmentalist Cameron Diaz, last year's recipient of The Wannabe Award, a former Kids' Choice Awards host (2004) ...

KID’S CHOICE AWARDS ¡Vamos a votar! - Vanguardia (México)  La votación está abierta desde el pasado 2 de marzo en la dirección: Así que no te pierdas la transmisión de la gala de premiación que se realizará el 28 de marzo, en el Pauley Pavillion de la UCLA, ...

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