Sunday, March 29, 2009

monica conyers

Monica Conyers debates school children

Monica Conyers debates school children about her conduct. ...

Video Tags:Monica, Conyers, School, Children

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Title:Keiara Bell-Detroit teenager speaks about her city, her life Description:13-year-old Keiara Bell came to light as the schoolgirl who schooled City Councilwoman Monica Conyers on civics and civility after she called Kenneth Cockrel Jr., the balding City Council President, "Shrek". ...Title:Detroit City Council Screaming Match Description:City Council of Detroit ...Title:Monica Goodling testifies to John Conyers (Part 2) Description:Former Justice Department White House liaison Monica Goodling testifies to John Conyers before the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday, May 23, 2007, on the Justice Department's firing of eight US attorneys. Before she resigned last month, Goodling helped senior Justice officials prepare for congressional testimony. She also worked closely with Kyle Sampson, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' chief of staff, who resigned March 12 as a result of the controversy. ...Title:MONICA GOODLING: Takes the 5th Amendment Description:Judiciary Committee compels her testimony through court order... ...Title:Monica Conyers is Description:a look at the bad idea detroit had in 2005 ...
Yahoo news related to monica conyers

CAROL CAIN: Conyers sparks reaction on race, Cobo (Detroit Free Press)
"Making peace, I have found, is much harder than making war," Gerry Adams has said. And so it appears based on reaction to my column last week about various conflicts smoldering across our region

Wayne County judge to decide Cobo transfer (Macomb Daily)
DETROIT (AP) — City Council President Monica Conyers said she was confident the daily operations of Cobo Center would remain under Detroit’s control.

Cobo Veto Goes to Court (WDET-FM Detroit)
     A judge is considering a lawsuit filed by the Detroit City Council against Mayor Ken Cockrel, Junior.      Both sides made their case before Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Isidore Torres on Thursday.      At issue is whether the Mayor has veto authority over the city council’s rejection of the Cobo Regional Authority. Council President Monica Conyers says he does not because the rejection ...

Google news related to monica conyers

Conyers sparks reaction on race, Cobo - Detroit Free Press  But the one who grabbed the lion's share of attention was Detroit City Council President Monica Conyers. I wrote last week about a taping of "Michigan Matters" (which aired last Sunday on WWJ-TV) in which Conyers commented on Cobo Center and touched on ...

Rep. Conyers: Stimulus cash could be used for Cobo - Detroit Free Press  "We don't need a regional authority," Council President Monica Conyers said. "If you want to help us, just give us the money." Last month, the City Council rejected state-approved legislation that would create the five-member authority and pump more ...

No Decision on Cobo Veto Thursday - WXYZ  A number of Council members were in court today, including Council President Monica Conyers. Cockrel argues that he has the power, under the city charter, to veto the measure blocking the Cobo transfer. He is seeking to have the veto upheld, ...

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