Sunday, March 1, 2009

katrina vanden heuvel

Jesse Ventura & Katrina Vanden Heuvel SMACK DOWN Mike Reagan

May 21, 2008
CNN Larry King

Video Tags:jesse, ventura, michael, reagan, kattina, iraq, iran, mccain, obama, hillary

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Title:Jesse Ventura Schools MSNBC Anchor Description:Interview 07-10-2008Title:Jesse Ventura on Gay Marriage, Church and Obama! Description:Good interview with Jesse Ventura by Dan Abrams (MSNBC Verdict)...Title:Jesse Ventura Calls Out Dick Cheney Description:Watch more at http://www.theyoungturks.comTitle:Alex Jones in Response to Michael Reagan 6-13-08 Description:Millions of freedom-loving people around the world support the 9/11 Truth Movement. Reagan wants them executed.<br /><br />Michael Reagan openly supports the brutal execution of political Activists in America. He has called for the murder of supporters of the 9/11 Truth Movement. He wants to pay for the bullets. He has used his national radio show to solicit the capital murder of Mark Dice and says that Mark should be "tied to a post in the middle of a firing range and shot and killed."<br /><br />Reagan's open support of the extermination of political dissidents is identical to the type of evil we have seen in tyrannical governments around the world, all throughout history. Michael Reagan hates freedom and advocates the mass execution of innocent civilians with no due process.<br /><br />www.reagandeaththreat.comTitle:Jesse Ventura on the Howard Stern Show:Gov.Carried Out 9/11 Description:<br />Ventura Fears 'We Did 9/11 To Ourselves' <br /><br />Paul Joseph Watson<br />Prison Planet<br />Wednesday, May 21, 2008<br /><br />Former Governor Jesse Ventura went further in his 9/11 skepticism than ever before today when he told the Howard Stern Show of his fear that elements of the U.S. government carried out the attack, stating, "I hate to fear....that we possibly did it to ourselves." <br /><br />"There's a lot of very difficult questions that have not been answered and no one seems to want to provide any answers," Ventura told Stern, adding that the most prescient was, "That a third building could fall into its own footprint five hours later having not been struck by much of anything....the 9/11 Commission didn't even address the issue. <br /><br />Pressed by Stern as to what he thought had happened, Ventura stated, "I hate to fear what could have happened that possibly we did it to ourselves," to which Stern responded "you're kidding me". <br /><br />Ventura explained that he worked in demolitions when he was in the Navy and questioned how the buildings could fall at the rate of gravity.<br /><br />The former Governor countered skepticism on behalf of Stern and his co-hosts by pointing out that the WTC towers were built to withstand a jetliner impact. <br /><br />  <br /> Stern said it was "unthinkable" that our own government could have perpetrated the attack, to which Ventura reasoned, "Nothing is unthinkable - you're talking about power, you're talking about foreign policy changing over this event, you're talking about getting control over the middle eastern oil." <br /><br />Stern's co-host then attempted to throw Ventura by asserting that Bush could not be capable of organizing the attack, to which Ventura responded, "I don't know if he is, but I certainly think there are people capable of doing it." <br /><br />Ventura then pointed out that kerosene does not burn hot enough to melt steel girders and asked why the buildings came down as powder and not in big chunks. Stern's co-host regurgitated the tired old debunker line of claiming the steel weakened and sagged, causing the building to collapse. <br /><br />"OK if that's the case, if you use that analogy, then when you go camping and use a propane stove, which propane burns hotter than kerosene does, if you leave it on for two hours and you put a big can of beans on your grill, shouldn't the grill collapse?" asked Ventura. <br /><br />"This is crazy!" exclaimed Stern, without explaining why Ventura's citation of basic physics had Stern and his team so baffled. <br /><br />"These two buildings were white elephants, they were losing money, they had asbestos in them, and they were being required by law to do over a billion dollars worth of asbestos removal," said Ventura, pointing out that WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein made $7 billion dollars from his insurance claim after the attacks. <br /><br />Ventura first went public with his questions about 9/11 during an on camera interview with Alex Jones in June 2006. He expanded on his thoughts during two subsequent radio interviews in April and May of this year.
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When Rosie O'Donnell spotted Philip Johnson at a restaurant with his family in Detroit, she had a feeling about the "soulful" teenager -- and cast him as the lead in her new movie, "America" (Lifetime at 9), about the pitfalls about the U.S. foster care system.

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Katrina Vanden Heuvel ROCKS - TPMCafé  Katrina Vanden Heuvel, ably aided by Stan Greenberg, made mincemeat of Karl Rove at George Stephanopoulos' roundtable this morning! It was a beautiful thing to see Rove backed into a corner, unable to to effectively deploy his virulent bullshit. ...

This Week Transcript: Peter Orszag and Eric Cantor - ABC News  That and the rest of the week's politics on our powerhouse roundtable with George Will, Katrina vanden Heuvel, plus, Bill Clinton's pollster Stan Greenberg and George W. Bush strategist Karl Rove. BILL MAHER, TALK SHOW HOST: It was a powerful speech. ...

Weekend Talk Shows - Los Angeles Times  Panel: Author Stanley Greenberg ("Dispatches From the War Room"); Karl Rove, former White House deputy chief of staff; Katrina vanden Heuvel, the Nation; George Will. (N) 8 am KABC 35642 Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace Iraq and Afghanistan: Adm. ...

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