Monday, March 2, 2009

chesapeake public schools

Proof that Homosexuality is Sin! (Part 2)-Scriptural Evidence

Serial killers, government tyrants, academic liberals, religious liberals, Catholic priesthood leaders, politicians, Mormon Church priesthood leaders, Jewish rabbis, environmental extremists, communists, religious pagans, mass murderers, Satanists, spies, and the Illuminati share something abhorrent and grotesque in common. Almost, if not all, are homosexual. Cataclysmically, most of the wicked-minded men who comprise of these demented social groups are not only homosexual, but they also practice the most lewd and perverted forms of sexual lasciviousness-pedophilia, incest, satanic bondage, physical torture, bisexuality, transvestitism, and even bestiality.

To persecute society even worse, there is an ever-increasing effort among homosexual organizations to target public school children, to abolish age of consent laws, and to publish so-called "studies" that purportedly show that adult/child sex is not detrimental.

Documented reports provide clear and convincing evidence that homosexual pedophiles (also called pederasts) want children. Homosexuals should not be given special federal protections under "hate crime" laws; they should not be free to promote homosexuality in public schools; nor should they be allowed to marry or adopt children. Many homosexuals are sexual predators who prey on innocent children.

Homosexual propagandists are publishing dozens of books targeted to kindergarteners, pre-teens, and teenagers with the nafarious objective to normalize homosexual behavior and to push for homosexual marriage and adoption.

Many of these books are designed to stigmatize opponents of homosexual behavior as bigoted and hateful and erroneously portray "happy" homosexual families consisting of two men or two women and their children.

Moreover, mostly all children in homosexual families come from broken homes(adopted) or were conceived by artificial insemination(in vitro fertilization). A homosexual household is by definition, abnormal & unnatural, and children are at greater risk for molestation in these homes than in homes with a mother and father who care for their own biological children. Bottomline, homosexuality is a abominable sin; just as Jehovah God affirms. A-'men

Video Tags:Jehovah, Jesus, Christ, Holy, Spirit, LamondTheDisciple, Homosexuality, Sin, Choice, Redemption, Salvation

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Title:Proof that Homosexuality is Sin! (Part 1)-My Personal Viewpoint Description:<br /><br />Unfortunately, as American society continues to abandon Jehovah God completely (Romans 1:26-28), more and more homosexuals are "coming out" of the closet. In the eyes of homosexuals and those who endorse them, Christians are supposed to be tolerant of homosexuality, abortion, pornography, fornication, etc. Secular liberals would lead us all to believe that there is a "radical" (i.e., bad, or extreme) form of Christianity that preaches against homosexuality (i.e., sin). Nothing could be further from the godly truth.<br /><br />Preaching against sin is at the very core of the true Christian faith and values. Without preaching against sin, there is no conviction, and without conviction there is no repentance, and without repentance, there is no salvation. This is the main issue in America today, and the reason why America is so corrupt--because preachers have stopped preaching against sin! For example, attend the average so-called "church" today and I guarantee you won't hear anything negative said about abortion, homosexuality, fornication, pornography, gambling, divorce, hellivision, movies, secular rap music, witchcraft, etc. <br /><br />In retrospect, the few churches that do preach against sin, never take the message outside of the church walls, operating more like a "lukewarm" (Revelation 3:16) occult than a church. The word "occult" means "to hide from view." Most churches have their little "click" of members, and it's nothing more than a social club. When they do meet together, they criticize & blast other churches that are truly serving the Lord Jesus. Every church should be known in their local communities as a sin-militant church, and a charitable church, and a blesseth baptism church, etc. <br /><br />For years homosexual advocates have falsely claimed that their sexual orientation derives from inborn, or genetic/biological "genes". They recieved their information from the iniquitous scientific studies on homosexuality by Dean Hamer (X chromosome research), Simon LeVay (hypothalamus research), and Bailey and Pillard's study of identical twins who were homosexuals.<br /><br />Ironically, in all three scenarios, the researchers had a vested interest in obtaining a certain outcome because they were homosexuals themselves. There is no conclusive scientific evidence for any genetic trait causing homosexuality, bisexuality, or transgendered desires. The noisy homosexuals have naively perpetuated the "gay gene" big lie, and have been promoted by their religion-despising liberal friends. <br /><br />Also, thousands of people have overcome their homosexual desires. A network of ex-homosexual organizations have several hundred affiliates around the world. They help strugglers through Christian support groups, prayer, and biblical teachings. Some psychologists can help homosexuals overcome homosexual desire through individual counseling. Many ex-homosexuals go on to marry and have children as well.<br /><br />Jesus Christ is Jehovah God incarnate and He has the divine will to sanctify any sinner from their wicked ways. All the sinner has to do is repent of their sinful lifestyle and accept Christ Jesus as their personal Lord & Savior; Christ will definitely reward the repentant sinner with the gift of salvation. A-'menTitle:Proof that Homosexuality is Sin! (Part 3)-Heritibility Not Inheritance Description:<br /><br /><br /><br />Homosexuality is A VERY ABNORMAL, ABHERRENT, AND ATYPICAL BEHAVIOR! In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality as a mental disorder from the APA's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders (DSM-II). <br /><br />This decision was a significant victory for homosexual activists, and they have continued to claim that the APA based their decision on new scientific discoveries that proved that homosexual behavior is normal and natural and should be affirmed in our culture. <br /><br />This is, of course, false and part of numerous homosexual conspirical urban legends that have infiltrated every aspect of our culture. The removal of homosexuality as a mental disorder has given homosexual activists credibility in the culture, and they have demanded that their sexual behavior be affirmed in society. <br /><br />Numerous psychiatrists over the past decades have described what forces were really at work both inside and outside of the American Psychiatric Association-and what led to the removal of homosexuality as a mental disorder.<br /><br />Dr. Ronald Bayer, a pro-homosexual psychiatrist has described what actually occurred in his book, Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis. (1981)<br /><br />In Chapter 4, "Diagnostic Politics: Homosexuality and the American Psychiatric Association," Dr. Bayer says that the first attack by homosexual activists against the APA began in 1970 when this organization held its convention in San Francisco. Homosexual activists decided to disrupt the conference by interrupting speakers and shouting down and ridiculing psychiatrists who viewed homosexuality as a mental disorder. <br /><br />Homosexuals forged APA credentials and gained access to exhibit areas in the conference. They threatened anyone who claimed that homosexuals needed to be cured.<br /><br />According to Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, "How much the 1973 APA decision was motivated by politics is only becoming clear even now. While attending a conference in England in 1994, I met a man who told me an account that he had told no one else. He had been in the gay life for years but had left the lifestyle. He recounted how after the 1973 APA decision, he and his lover, along with a certain very highly placed officer of the APA Board of Trustees and his lover, all sat around the officer's apartment celebrating their victory. For among the gay activists placed high in the APA who maneuvered to ensure a victory was this man-suborning from the top what was presented to both the membership and the public as a disinterested search for truth."<br /><br />While scientists have found intriguing physiological differences between homosexuals and hetrosexuals (as the clips in this video depicts), the evidence so far STOPS WELL SHORT of proving that we are born with a sexual orientation that will scar us for life.  <br /><br />More importantly, some research shows that sexual orientation is more fluid than we have come to think, that people, especially women, can and do move across customary sexual orientation barriers, that there are ex-hetrosexuals as well as ex-homosexuals. Much of this research has stayed below the radar of the culture warriors, but reparative therapists are praying to use it to enter the scientific mainstream and advocate for what they call the right of self-determination in matters of sexual orientation. If they are successful, gay activists may soon find themselves scrambling to make sense of a new scientific and political landscape. Homosexual propagandists cannot dominate the beautiful essence that Jehovah has treasured upon nature and humanity. A-'menTitle:Re: Proof that Homosexuality is Sin! (Part 1)-My personal viewpoint Description:My personal response to Addiejordan's ignorant, ridiculous video "proving" homosexuality is a sin. Enjoy.<br /><br />I've gotten a few requests for the link to the original video that I was responding to when I made this video so, without further ado, here it is.<br /> homosexuality a sin? Description:Is homosexuality a sin and does God condemn homosexuals?<br /><br />Pastor Mark Driscoll answers this question as part of a live "Ask Anything" session in which audience members SMS questions to the pulpit to be answered in real time.<br /><br />This question was answered in the broader context of a sermon entitled "Humor" which can be found at is wrong! Description:The link to the YouTuber who created these videos says you can't argue with his video or debate his claims.  Well?  Can you?  Tell me what you think?  Post a comment or a video response.
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