Friday, February 27, 2009

great depression cooking with clara

Great Depression Cooking Ep:1 - Pasta with Peas

91 year old cook and great grandmother, Clara, recounts her childhood during the Great Depression as she prepares meals from the era. Learn how to make simple yet delicious dishes while listening to stories from the Depression.

Video Tags:Cooking, Chef, Clara, Cannucciari, Great, Depression, Recipie, Food, delicious, dish, 91, Cook, stories, old, Italian

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Yahoo news related to great depression cooking with clara

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Google news related to great depression cooking with clara

Frugal Fare: Depression-Era Cuisine - ABC News  She's so good, she claims to have gained weight during the Great Depression, according to her blog. Tips from 93-year-old Clara Cannucciari, host of "Depression Cooking With Clara." Cannucciari says it was her mother who taught her how to cook the ...

"Cooking with Clara" shares Great Depression-era cooking tips - Minneapolis City Pages  By Jessica Chapman in Advice, Recipes I openly avoided watching "Cooking With Clara" at first, thinking "Oh great, just what people want to hear: not just the "R" word but the all-out "D" word. And the food that went along with it? Just, no. ...

MainStreet's Best of the Web Roundup - MainStreet  After harvesting the vastly expanding personal finance blogosphere, MainStreet thinks you should check these out: Great Depression Cooking With Clara has a charming collection of videos explaining cheap cooking tips from someone who lived through the ...

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