Saturday, February 28, 2009


Ron Paul CPAC 2009 Part 1

Video Tags:ron paul, cpac

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Yahoo news related to cpac

CPAC: Notes from a Young Conservative Conference (Newsweek)
Notes from CPAC, the national conservative conference, where this week youth has been served.

Romney wins CPAC straw poll (The Politico)
While hardly a scientific poll, the CPAC straw vote offers early insight into conservatives’ thinking.

Bush a four-letter word at CPAC (The Politico)
If there’s one thing CPAC attendees this week agree on, it is this: They don’t want another George W. Bush.

Google news related to cpac

The Ghost of John McCain at CPAC - New York Times  By Michael Falcone Had Senator John McCain been walking the halls of the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington this week, he might have winced to hear his name taken in vain — over and over again. But Mr. McCain wasn’t anywhere to be ...

Santorum, CPAC's Elvis - MSNBC  WASHINGTON -- During the CPAC convention, it takes about 30 seconds for a reporter walking in off the streets here to realize he or she is not in hyper-Democratic DC anymore. It is at CPAC where defiant newspaper stands carry "The Washingtom Times" ...

STRAIGHT FROM CPAC: Gingrich Rips Obama - FOXNews  This year’s CPAC was the largest ever, with close to 9000 in attendance, full of spirited young people ready to fight for the future, as well as long term veterans of the battle. For me, the highlight of the conference was Newt Gingrich’s speech on ...

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