Wednesday, June 3, 2009

princeton gunman

VT Shooting: Why Cho Did It?

CBS News. Katherine Newman, a Princeton Sociology Professor, examines the psychological underpinnings of mass murderers who orchestrate school shootings. She correctly assesses the situation prior to NBC's receipt of Cho's package. Check out "Rampage: The Social Roots Of School Shootings."

Video Tags:Virginia, Tech, Shooting, Massacre, Gunman, ID, VT, Loner, Disturbing, Writings, Rich, Kids, Cho, Seung-Hui

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Yahoo news related to princeton gunman

Princeton gives all-clear, says no gunman (AP via Yahoo! News)
Princeton University's Public Safety Department says there's no gunman on the Ivy League campus.

Police probe report of gunman on Princeton campus (AP via Yahoo! News)
Princeton University is alerting everyone to stay inside after reports of a gunman on the Ivy League campus.

Princeton gives all-clear, says no gunman (The Washington Times)
UPDATED: PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) -- Princeton University's Public Safety Department says there's no gunman on the Ivy League campus. The school's Web site and alert system advised people around 11 a.m. to stay inside after a report of a male with what appeared to be a handgun near Dod Hall dormitory. An all-clear was issued around 11:25 a.m. Police continue to investigate. It was not clear how many ...

Google news related to princeton gunman

Princeton gives all-clear, says no gunman - The Associated Press  PRINCETON, NJ (AP) — Princeton University's Public Safety Department says there's no gunman on the Ivy League campus. The school's Web site and alert system advised people around 11 am to stay inside after a report of a male with what appeared to be a ...

Springdale bank job attempt reported -  SPRINGDALE - Police are investigating an attempted bank robbery this morning at Key Bank, 11355 Princeton Pike, according to Hamilton County emergency communication reports. A masked gunman in a black hooded sweatshirt approached the bank just before ...

At candlelight vigil, slain teen's mom pleads for justice - Orlando Sentinel  So far, however, the gunman and his accomplices remain free. Mildred was returning from a night of clubbing with two friends when they ran into the men at a 7-Eleven on Colonial Drive, where the young women bought gas and a snack. About 3 am on May 19, ...

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