Monday, February 16, 2009

randi rhodes

Randi Rhodes Gets Busted-Suspended from Air America

Green 960 wants all to the following link and help them stop the spin on the Randi suspension and you can come to our site to sign the "Free Randi Rhodes Petition" at

Randy suspended from Air America for the F-Bomb and Calling Hillary a Whore when speaking in San Francisco. More busted for calling Hillary a Whore than the F-Bomb. So it was not like she was lying in the political sense of the word. Not suitable for some listeners.

Free Randy Rhodes!

Video Tags:Air, America, analysis, Clinton, commentary, gotcha!, Hillary, news, Randy, Rhodes

Related Videos:
Title:Randi Rhodes vs GOP Douchbag Description:Randi tells this chubby Republican to fight the war he loves so much. God bless RandiTitle:Stephanie Miller and Randi Rhodes boobies Description:<br /><br /> Rhodes loses it on the air Description:Randi can't stop laughing at how horribly Rudy Giuliani's presidential campaign is going.<br /><br /><br /> Rhoads - Spotlight Solo (Quiet Riot/Ozzy) Description:Randy doing what he did best - ripping it up!Title:Randi Rhodes is back, talks about what happened to her Description:Liberal bloggers are taking a beating for speculating that Randi's injuries were the result of a right-wing attack. And it is wrong to jump to conclusions and point the finger when you don't have all the facts. But isn't it also wrong that right-wing blogs are now speculating that Randi's injuries are the result of too much alcohol? There are any number of scenarios that would explain Randi's fall. So it's odd that the right is attacking the left for jumping to conclusions and then turning around and doing the exact same thing.<br /><br /><br />
Yahoo news related to randi rhodes

The News Narrative Turns Bearish on Obama (
Two different stories combined to create one major media narrative last week—a new President off to a shaky start.

Missouri Western scouting report (St. Joseph News-Press)
When: 7:30 p.m.

'Liberal' radio begged not to go 'conservative' (WorldNetDaily)
MIAMI – A South Florida radio station said to be dumping its left-leaning "progressive" radio format in favor of sports is apparently being begged by some not to make the change.

Google news related to randi rhodes

Rhodes Still Off The Air At Nova M - Streaming Magazine  PHOENIX -- February 16, 2009: Nova M host Randi Rhodes has been off the air for more than a week, and now Nova M co-owner Anita Drobny says on the company ...

Nova M Meltdown? Randi Rhodes Disappears, and a Note fo... - Phoenix New Times  Now Randi Rhodes has taken leave of the place. Randi Rhodes!? Christ, she's one of the very few real draws that the station has. Genuinely funny and sharp, ...

Show Me The Mortgage! - TPMCafé  I heard an interesting fact regarding foreclosures on the Randi Rhodes show a few months ago. That fact keeps showing up more and more. ...

Flickr pictures related to randi rhodes

  1. DSC_0237
  3. Randi and Mike
  4. Randi and Mike
  5. Randi Rhodes
  6. Randi and Mike
  7. Randi Rhodes
  8. Randi Rhodes
  9. Randi Rhodes
  10. Garlin II and Randi Rhodes

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