Tuesday, February 17, 2009

new world order news

New World Order and the Chemtrails Connection

Scientist and researcher, Rosie Bertell continues to provide damning evidence concerning the military, goverment, scientists, giant corporations (the Illuminati) involvement in the world-wide sinister "Black Project" known as Chemtails. International collusion, aerial pharmacopoeia are explored and all point to the New World (dis)Order.

Video Tags:aerial, black, Collusion, International, New, Order, pharmacopoeia, projects, science, sinister, World

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Title:Captain we have a leak... Description:( Air steward ) <br />-- "Captain !!! ...The strange silver tank next to the toxic chemicals is leaking on the passengers !!! What shall I do ???"<br /><br /><br />(Captain ) - "Ok, dump it QUICK !!!"<br /><br />( Air steward ) - "You got it !" <br /><br /><br />Do you know what this is?<br /><br /><br />Note: Excess fuel would normally be ejected through the wings.<br /><br />* UPDATE *<br /><br />This is a Demonstration of a Boeing 747 <br />Modified by: <br /><br />Evergreen-International-Aviation-inc.<br /><br />According to the manufactures.<br /><br />Evergreen International Supertanker is (Modified) for fire-fighting applications at low altitudes.<br /><br />Official website:<br />"Evergreen's Supertanker utilizes a new type of pressurized system allowing the aircraft to fight fire from higher altitudes. (...) <br /><br />The system was designed to allow the Evergreen Supertanker to fly at a very safe altitude, 400 to 800 ft, and within its design envelope. Also, the Evergreen Supertanker's tank system allows segmented drops. This means that the aircraft can drop its 24,000 gallons at multiple intervals while in flight.<br /><br /><br />www.evergreenaviation.com/supertanker/index.html<br /><br /><br />More info on the company:<br /><br /> <br />http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Evergreen_International_Aviation%2C_Inc.<br /><br /><br /><br />Tags:<br /><br />firefighting fire-fighting eva chemical pollution contrails chemtrails chem trail atmosphere energy contamination fuel dump water aerosols aerial fire fighting applications googlepoliceTitle:Chemtrails Description:ZDF Chemtrails ReportageTitle:New World Order Description:For those of you out there wondering how "conspiracy theorists" such as myself coined the phrase New World Order, this may enlighten you.Title:Chemtrails UK Government admits deadly spraying Description:U.k. government has admitted to spraying British public with deadly toxins.<br />Link to Guardian article<br />politics DOT guardian DOT co DOT uk/news/story/0,9174,688098,00 DOT htmlTitle:Chemtrail Proof - German Military Exposed. Description:The German Military are exposed spraying Chemtrails.  This is a Mainstream Media Exposé.  Here is the proof that brings this subject to the realm of 'Conspiracy Fact'<br /><br />They are spraying Barium & Aluminum into our skies to control the weather & our health!<br />http://mirrors.wordsforgood.org/educate-yourself.org/ct/index.html<br /><br />Here is the 'Weather Modification Bill-H.R. 2995' that was presented to Congress in 1995 to try and make this Orwellian population control legal:<br />http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h109-2995
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