Monday, February 9, 2009

lunar eclipse

lunar eclipse - 03.03.07

this video is comprised of pictures i took of the lunar eclipse on march 3rd 2007 from pendeli mountain in athens, greece. the music is 'odysseus' by niko (

Video Tags:athens, eclipse, lunar, moon, niko

Related Videos:
Title:Total Solar Eclipse 2006 Description:Realtime video with closeups of the totality from Aspendos Theatre/Turkey.Title:Lunar Eclipse, 2007 March 3rd. Description:Photo slideshow of the lunar eclipse as seen near hiking area* atop Skyline Drive; Oakland/Ringwood border, northern New Jersey, USA.  This slideshow captures the second half of the eclipse: starting just after sunset, from when the moon was entirely in the earth's shadow, til the shadow passed and the full moon became visible.<br /><br />Info about Lunar Eclipses:<br /><br /><br />Photos courtesy of Dennis Reulbach and daughter, Beth.  For a more full-spectrum time-lapse animation of photos, see the .gif at this link (give it time to load, it's over 50 pictures):<br /><br /><br />Thanks, Dennis and Beth, for taking the time to make these beautiful pictures!  oxo<br /><br /><br />* = by the roadside "Ent".   ;pTitle:What Causes an Eclipse of the Moon? Description:This 'Ask an Astronomer' episode explains lunar eclipses.Title:Solar eclipse seen by NASA's STEREO spacecraft Description:The NASA STEREO spacecraft sees the disk of the Moon pass in front of the Sun in a view never seen before by human eyes -- in solar eclipses seen on Earth, the Moon and Sun are roughly the same size.<br /><br />I picked this as one of the Top Ten Astronomy Pictures of 2007.Title:Roger Waters - Buenos Aires - 18/03/2007 - Eclipse Description:Roger Waters en Buenos Aires.<br /><br />All that is now.<br />All that is gone.<br />All that's to come.<br />And everything under the sun is in tune. <br />But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
Yahoo news related to lunar eclipse

Take a peek at a partial lunar eclipse early Monday morning (KTUU Anchorage)
The first lunar eclipse of the year takes place Monday as the moon sets. Here in Anchorage it should become visible just after 3:30 a.m.

Lunar Eclipse Coming to a Sky Near You (WEAU Eau Claire)
Monday morning we have the chance to see a lunar eclipse.

Penumbral lunar eclipse today (Daily News)
There will be a penumbral lunar eclipse today. The eclipse begins at 6.07 pm today with the moon entering the penumbra of the Earth's shadow and ends at 10.10 p.m.

Google news related to lunar eclipse

Take a peek at a partial lunar eclipse early Monday morning - KTUU  The first lunar eclipse of the year takes place Monday as the moon sets. Here in Anchorage it should become visible just after 3:30 am It won't be a ...

Affect of lunar eclipse on your sun signs - SamayLive  Lucknow: As the country is witnessing it's first lunar eclipse of the year, the astrologists believe that it will directly or indirectly affect our life. ...

Lantern Festival to see biggest festive moon in 52 years - Xinhua  However it will appear darker for a few hours because of a penumbral lunar eclipse. The Lantern Festival, which falls on the 15th day of the Chinese Lunar ...

Flickr pictures related to lunar eclipse

  1. DSC_1187
  2. DSC_1189
  3. DSC_1202
  4. Lunar Eclipse 008 (2)
  5. lunar eclipse
  6. Lunar 49
  7. Lunar 51
  8. Lunar 47
  9. Lunar 42
  10. Lunar 36

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