Monday, February 16, 2009

fred is dead


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Video Tags:blog, blooper, brothers, chris, crocker, cyrus, film, Fred, improv, jkl, johnnyboy, jonas, miley, parody, pranks, productions, series, shanedawsontv, short, sketch, spoof, stand-up, swiftkaratechop, video

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Title:Fred On ICarly Febuary 16 Description: Fred On ICarly Preety exciting! But does Lucas have a career if he kills off fred! Save Fred! We love fred Lucas Save Fred! Freds the best I love the swimming episode this best! Save Fred! lucas cruikshankTitle:Judy and Fred's First Date Description:I KNOW JUDY DOESN'T LIKE FRED!! but<br /><br />This is Judy's side of the story! and this is the reason she hates him. <br />Judy, Fred's crush, gets ready to go on their first date! this is before judy texted fred and said she didnt like him and this is why she doesnt like him!<br /><br />THIS WON'T MAKE SENSE UNLESS YOU HAVE SEEN JKLPRODUCTIONS FRED VIDEOS!!!!!!!! (especially "fred on valentines day")<br /><br />FRED COMMENTED on this (if you care) its one of the first comments and he said:<br />"=]<br /><br />judy mustve had a really bad cold"<br /><br />and I DONT HATE THE NAMES TIM, TOM, OR FRED. I really like them all. it's just a skit. <br /><br /> Gets Babysat Description:**SEASON 1 FRED shirts! Now at HOT TOPIC!!**<br /><br /><br />Fred has to deal with an annoying babysitter! <br />IT'S HACKIN HERE!! !!<br /><br />[Original Post Date - 9/29/07 (3.94M views)]Title:LEAVE MILEY ALONE! Description:<br />add me!<br /><br />ps. i don't hate Miley so all the lil 12 year old girls please don't send me death threats! :)Title:Fred Gets Bullied Description:(1.3) Kevin is mad at Fred for ding dong ditching his house so he wants revenge!<br />IT'S HACKIN HERE!! !!
Yahoo news related to fred is dead

Six-year-old shoots mum dead (Adelaide Now)
A SIX-YEAR-OLD boy has accidentally shot his mother dead with his father's gun at their home in Papua New Guinea's capital, Port Moresby.

Theater fans: Tune into 'Dead' (The Bryan-College Station Eagle)
Love old or unusual movies but never know when they're on? Here are several I recommend:Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (1990): Playwright Tom Stoppard directed the film version of his famous 1967 play. It focuses on the two title characters (p ...

Westboro Baptist Church announces first antihomosexuality picket in Britain (Daily Telegraph)
The fundamentalist US church notorious for picketing the funerals of dead soldiers plans to carry out its first protest in Britain this week it has emerged.

Google news related to fred is dead

Gender of jury could be key in deciding Cooper's fate - Naples Daily News  Early in the deliberations of Fred Cooper’s first murder trial, juror Lynne Johnson snapped at a male colleague she thought was being disrespectful, ...

Professor Toro: Veggie deity Fred is dead - Monterey County Herald  He is known as 'Fred,'" wrote Carmel Valley's David Fairhurst. He was kind enough to include a Polaroid snapshot of a conglomeration that includes a gourd, ...

Dead student talked of a police career - Pittsburgh Post Gazette  Fred Swick, who was an assistant coach during Mr. Briggs' senior year at Poolesville High School in Maryland, said he was surprised by what happened ...

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