Monday, June 1, 2009

project natal

New Dance Project (natal 2009) Portugal

Grupo New Dance Project no natal de 2009.

Video Tags:Hip, Hop, Dance, Coreografie

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Yahoo news related to project natal

Microsoft Debuts 'Project Natal' For Xbox 360 (Fox News)
Microsoft Debuts 'Project Natal' For Xbox 360

Microsoft Debuts Project Natal Sensor (Gamasutra)
Microsoft debuted the Xbox 360's much-rumored camera-based solution for gesture recognition and more, codenamed Project Natal, at the company's E3 press conference today. The Project Natal sensor combines an "an RGB camera, depth sensor, multi-array microphone, and custom processor running proprietary software" that track player body movements in 3D and also respond to voice commands, ...

Microsoft and Peter Molyneux Show Off "Project Natal" (
After years of speculation, Microsoft today finally showed off its motion controlling device at its E3 press conference . The project is code-named "Natal," and as rumored uses a camera device to sense movement and voices of people in the room. The teaser reel showed martial arts, racing, monsters, and soccer as examples of game types. It also showed off the ability to scan in your own objects ...

Google news related to project natal

The 360 of the future: Project Natal takes a shot at Wii - CNET News  by Scott Stein After a bunch of (mostly) expected games, Microsoft's E3 press conference finally revealed something of greater interest and scope: Project Natal, the code-name for their well-rumored motion-sensing bar. Taking a direct shot at Wii users ...

The Beatles: Rock Band - DailyTech  Perhaps the biggest news of the event was the announcement of Project Natal which takes direct aim at the Nintendo Wii's motion controls. The Project Natal accessory includes an RGB camera, depth sensor and multi-array microphone to provide full body ...

E3 09: Peter Molyneux Unveils New Game: “Project Milo” - EndSights  Peter Molyneux, at Microsoft's E3 Press Conference, unveiled “Project Milo”. The game will be using the “Project Natal” camera, that Microsoft announced earlier in the press conference. In the game, you'll be interacting with a young boy named Milo. ...

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