Thursday, May 28, 2009

honduras earthquake 2009

Honduras Earthquake

Update on earthquake in Honduras

Video Tags:Honduras Earthquake, 2009

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Yahoo news related to honduras earthquake 2009

Earthquake Off Honduras Kills 6, Shuts Biggest Port (Update3) (Bloomberg)
May 28 (Bloomberg) -- A magnitude-7.1 earthquake struck under the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Honduras today, killing six people, closing the nation’s largest port and causing a bridge to fall in the north of the Central American country.

Earthquake Rocks Honduras, Causing Damage, Chaos (redOrbit)
A strong earthquake hit Honduras early on Thursday, taking the life of a teen as it crushed homes and for a short time created a tsunami alert for the Caribbean coast.The 7.1 quake shook Honduras' northeast coast close to the scuba-diving resort island of Roatan and smashed homes and buildings throughout the north of the hugely poor country populated with 7 million people.Emergency services ...

7.1 earthquake topples homes, kills 4 in Honduras (CTV British Columbia)
At least four people are known to have been killed by the powerful 7.1-magnitude earthquake that struck early morning off the coast of Honduras.

Google news related to honduras earthquake 2009

Strong earthquake jolts Honduras, Belize, Guatemala - Breaking Tweets  Communication issues were also a problem in the region. da_an2 (Honduras) ay no! todavia siento como q estoy temblando :s (ay no! still feel like I'm shaking q: s) 28 May 2009 from TweetDeck filosofic (San Pedro Sula, Honduras) Earthquake...

Gildan Confirms that Operations and Facilities Unaffected by ... - Earthtimes (press release)  MONTREAL, QUEBEC -- 05/28/09 -- Gildan Activewear Inc. (TSX: GIL)(NYSE: GIL) confirmed that an earthquake which occurred early this morning in Honduras has caused negligible damage at its manufacturing facilities and that its facilities, operations, ...

7.1 earthquake topples homes, kills 4 in Honduras - San Jose Mercury News  ... AP Writer The central portion of the Democracy Bridge, which spans the largest river in Honduras, the Ulua, collapsed in El Progreso, Honduras after a strong earthquake rocked the country in the early morning hours of Thursday,wld May 28, 2009. ...

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