Friday, May 29, 2009


Baile Dembow EL derriengue pepe

TU sabe UN Video De como eh que se baila la Vaina Del DemBow.....cualquier vaina para Reclamaciones los sabado en la pista siempre tamo ahi la jeepetica blanca del musicon pregunta por mi...en san isidro el liquor store

Video Tags:baile, dembow, pepe, mafu, locotron, ya, maldito, loco, Gallinon, poco, tiempo, los, elisma, kuka, el, lapiz, conciente, poeta, joa, bailar

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Title:Dembow De Pepe Description:Title:hasta los arabes bailan el dembow de pepe Description:Title:Doble T ft el crok pepe Baile improvisado Description:yopi sentada en my pc .bailando improvisado..lolTitle:Detras de camara de la firmacion del video ¨Pepe¨ junto a Toxic Crow Description:alofokemusic.netTitle:Baile de pepe  by : Juthy Description:ahhah! en kura bailando pepe el el colegio cristo de milagros 3ro turismo lol =))
Yahoo news related to derriengue

CNY student eliminated from national spelling bee (WSYR 9 Syracuse)
A central New York middle school student has fallen short of her quest to become the next Scripps National Spelling Bee champion. Neetu Chandak, misspelled "derriengue" -- leaving out an...

Seneca Falls girl makes top 10 at bee (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle)
After surviving a written test and six oral rounds, 13-year-old Neetu Chandak stumbled on the word "derriengue" at the 2009 Scripps National Spelling Bee.

13-year-old girl wins US National Spelling Bee (AP via Yahoo! News)
Cool and collected, Kavya Shivashankar wrote out every word on her palm and always ended with a smile. The 13-year-old Kansas girl saved the biggest smile for last, when she rattled off the letters to "Laodicean" to become the nation's spelling champion.

Google news related to derriengue

Seneca Falls speller falls to derriengue in national bee finals - The Post-Standard -  Neetu misspelled derriengue in the finals tonight and was eliminated. Washington, DC -- Neetu Chandak, of Seneca Falls, knew when she was right and when she was wrong during the finals of the Scripps National Spelling Bee tonight. ...

Indian American Kavya Shivashankar lifts Spelling Bee trophy in US - Sify  Before him Neetu Chandak of Seneca Falls, New York, was floored by `derriengue`, a disease of cattle in South America. Then `Herniorrhaphy`, a surgical procedure for correcting hernia, felled Tussah Heera of Las Vegas, Nevada.

Descartan brote de derriengue - El Golfo Info  El presidente de la asociación ganadera de la zona centro Félix Castellano Rábago, descartó que en el estado haya algún brote de derriengue entre el ganado, afirmó que se trata de una enfermedad que se produce por la mordedura de un murciélago y no por ...

Flickr pictures related to derriengue

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