The best prankers know the trick is to be unexpected, that's why we're giving you another top 5 pranks a few days early. Enjoy.
Video Tags:prank, pranked, april, fool, fools, fool's, break,
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Not that any readers would pull April Fools’ Day pranks, but here are a few (Fort Worth Star-Telegram)
By JAMES FUSSELL Here’s the thing about reading the paper: If you do it, it gives you an advantage over those who don’t. How can you best use this advantage to show nonreaders what fools they are? We have a few ideas. Now let’s be clear here. We’re not telling you to play April Fools’ Day jokes on nonreaders. We’re just saying, hey, these classic gags are going to be played on somebody. What you ...
Harmless Geek Pranks for a Little April Fooling [Pranks] (Lifehacker)
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Conficker Worm Will Call Home on April Fools' Day (Data Storage Today)
April 1 brings on the age-old tradition of jokes and pranks. But this year, April 1 will be more than just April Fools' Day. The first day of April 2009 is when security analysts around the world will watch to see what happens to thousands of computers because of the Conficker worm, a family of malware that is now widespread and affecting 10 million computers. Conficker, also known as Downadup, ...
Last minute April Fool's pranks - If you’ve yet to come up with an April Fool’s prank or find yourself needing revenge on April 1st , below is a list of easy pranks you can pull off at the last minute. Keep in mind the April Fool’s Rules and let loose with the fun. Sure shot. ...
Computer worm is no April Fool's joke - Baltimore Sun Experts say it's unknown whether the worm will cause havoc or merely turn out to be an April's Fool prank. But people can protect their computers by using security software. Howard Schmidt, a former White House cyber security adviser, said computer ...
April fool's pranks - Inside Bay Area "My gullible mother is usually the unsuspecting prey, a sucker for April fool's pranks. In the past, I've imitated annoying phone solicitors, angry bank tellers and nasty police officers. And I have next year's prank all lined up too. ...
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