Friday, May 1, 2009

micah pate

Yahoo news related to micah pate

Body of missing Bartlett woman Micah Pate found (Memphis Commercial Appeal)
The body of missing Bartlett woman Micha Pate was found late Friday night at the Loosahatchie River bottoms.

Missing Bartlett Woman Found Dead (FOX 13 Memphis)
Investigators have located the body of 26-year old Micah Pate, missing since Thursday night when she left her home for a routine jog. Her husband is currently in custody for her death. UPDATE: Video Posted of News Conference

UPDATE: Missing woman's body found, husband confesses to accidentally killing her (FOX 16 Little Rock)
Shelby County Sheriff's deputies have found the body of 26-year-old Micah Pate. Her husband confessed to accidentally shooting her.

Google news related to micah pate

Body of missing Bartlett woman Micah Pate found - DeSoto Appeal  Pate's husband, Thomas Pate, is currently in police custody but no charges have been filed against him. According to police Micah Pate of 3591 Foxfield Trail, left her house about 8:30 pm Two hours later, her husband called police and said she hadn't ...

Abilene ISD honor roll for the fifth six weeks - Abilene Reporter-News  ... Chip Reed Moore, Corinne Alyssa Morris, Lance Carl Mosley, Trisha Ann Newton, Matthew Scott Odom, Lauren Alyse Otis, Aubrey Grace Palmer, Austin Patrick Wunder Partin, Samuel Benjamin Pate, Chandi Nichole Perez, Jessica Rae Pope, Kathryn Ann Ramey, ...

And That Happened - Hardball Times  More recently, Eric Young stole second, third and home in the same inning in what had to be a perfect storm for a fast guy: the glacial-to-the-pate Hideo Nomo pitching to the rubber-armed Mike Piazza. I don't offer any of this to take away from ...

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