Saturday, May 2, 2009

UFO Crash Debris / Magic Wand Effect in Electrostatic Field has updates!

This thin piece of metallic "UFO debris" was collected from the New Mexico sands, near Roswell, by Chuck Wade. He sent it to Joshua P. Warren for tests in Feb. of 2009. In this informal session, the material is placed in a pie pan affixed to a Van De Graaff machine. Within this field of positive ions, the sample stands on end and spins clockwise with great stability.

When fellow researcher Will Beckwith hands Warren a "magic wand" made of ebony and snake wood, the UFO debris reacts. For more, see:

Video Tags:UFO, UFOs, U.F.O., crash, Roswell, magic, magic wand, Joshua P. Warren, Speaking of Strange, Coast to Coast AM

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