Friday, May 1, 2009

Oprah Rescue Us - Chicago Rescue

Invisible Children is bringing a musical to the streets of Chicago "In The Name of Love". Oprah Come and Rescue US!! (LIVE Feed)

Video Tags:oprah, the rescue, invisible children, musical, chicago

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Title:Invisible Children "The Rescue" Chicago Day 4 Recap Description:Today in Chicago a lot of things happened. Here are some of the highlights of the day! It's been an interesting journey and it's gonna be an epic ending! for more info. visit invisiblechildren.comTitle:The Rescue: Invisible Children in Chicago, IL Description:On April 25th, the international community united to deliver the innocent from Kony's reign and to ensure he is brought to justice. Thousands of participants gathered in 100 cities across the world to abduct themselves and raise the banner of the child soldiers taken by Joseph Kony. BUT WE'RE NOT DONE YET!! CHICAGO STILL NEEDS TO BE RESCUED! WE NEED A CELEBRITY, POLITICIAN, OR PUBLIC FIGURE OF INFLUENCE TO RESCUE US!Title:OPRAH Come To The Rescue in Chicago Description:Wichita Rescue Riders UniteTitle:The Rescue Chicago - Day 5 Dance Party (part one) Description:Invisible Children's The Rescue. Day 5 at The City Church of ChicagoTitle:Oprah Come and Rescue Us At Harpo Description:Oprah. We Love You.
Yahoo news related to

Achieving global awareness (The Buffalo News)
WILSON -- Four Wilson High School students expanded on their global-awareness lessons with an independent road trip to Syracuse University last weekend to take part in a seminar highlighting the atrocities of “the longest-running war in Africa.”

Invisible Children 'Rescue' Demonstration Draws Celebrities In New York (MTV Music Television)
On Saturday, Invisible Children held an event in 100 cities called "The Rescue" in an effort to spread awareness about child soldiers fighting in Uganda's civil war.

Mom Mel B mad about kid soldiers (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Mel B on Monday added her voice to other celebrities' who are calling for the end of a regime that forces Ugandan children into a life of kidnapping and murder.

Google news related to

Billy Boyd Rescues Edinburgh -  ... mogul (a politician or celebrity) endorsing the cause. Billy Boyd was the rescuer in Edinburgh. There'sa video of his speech here and more information can be found at and

MU student helps rally for Invisible Children in Chicago - MU The Parthenon  They also rallied outside of Winfrey's office building and broadcast a live newsfeed on The site received more than 1000 hits per minute, Withrow said. Withrow said she hopes Winfrey or Obama will address the situation soon ...

Invisible Children 'Rescue' Demonstration Draws Celebrities In New ... -  "I went to and I watched the documentary ... I cried, honestly, hands down. My sweater, the sleeves were soaked with my tears. We need to do something about this. How did I never hear this before?" The crowd, who gathered in ...

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  1. Picture 844
  2. Picture 845
  3. Picture 831
  4. Viva le print!
  5. 4 out of 5 ain't bad
  6. Picture 840
  7. Picture 827
  8. A new friend.
  9. Picture 802
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