Thursday, May 28, 2009

burts bees

Burt's Bees Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), Honey Bees Dying

Why are the bees dying? Why are honey bees disappearing from across the US? Well, Burt's Bees ( is raising awareness about an environmental issue called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) to find out and help save the dying bees. Colony Collapse Disorder is the sudden dying of bees causing the whole honey bee colony to collapse leading to widespread disappearance of bees from our environment.

While the exact causes for bee Colony Collapse Disorder are unknown, we do know that forces like habitat destruction, misuse of pesticides, invasive species and global warming create risks to honey bees. You can help make the planet a healthy place for bees. Sign up for a free packet of wildflower seeds to plant and give bees a healthy place to live in your neighborhood. We're also providing access to support local organic farmers who naturally create pesticide-free, bee-friendly environments while providing local communities with healthy fresh produce.

By saving the dying bees, we save a lot more than the bees. Be involved. For The Greater Good.

Video Tags:burts, bees, colony, collapse, disorder, bee, movie, psa, dying, honeybees, disappearing

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Title:CCD Colony Collapse disorder Description:I just lost a great swarm. In 10 days 30000 bees have disappeared? There is talk of the collapse of the swarm!Title:Vanishing Bees - Colony Collapse Disorder Description:check out California produces 80% of the world's almonds and the trees need 40 billion bees to pollinate the flowers. Brian and Alison went out there to have a look and report . This is their report for the Guardian Feb 2008.Title:Bee habitat and colony collapse disorder Description:Learn more about colony collapse disorder and how utility power corridors can be used for bee habitat.Title:MYSTERY: MILLIONS OF BEES DYING ACROSS NORTH AMERICA Description:SEPTEMBER 06, 2007 CBC NEWSTitle:Environmental News and Views: CCD, Why the Bees are Dying Description:Additional information at: "The positive side of Colony Collapse Disorder: The Bees dying is proof of the Gaia Principle" .
Google news related to burts bees

Burt's Bees Comes To Historic Downtown Durham -  Colleen Fargo was hired by Burt's Bees about two months ago. "We're such an environmentally friendly company and hopefully we'll be able to spread the news about being green," Fargo said. Replogle said the building itself reflects their green business ...

Freebies buzz - points out that Burts Bees has got a daily givaway going on through June 20. But it seems this is getting a little bit of a slow start. It was supposed to start at 9 am today and as of 10:20 am, the official site said the giveaway ...

At Burt's Bees, business is humming - Los Angeles Times  Burt's Bees is making money and advertising for more workers even here in North Carolina, a state with the nation's fifth-highest jobless rate. The maker of lip balm and other natural care products has seen sales double in the last three years. ...

Flickr pictures related to burts bees

  1. What's In My Bag
  2. in my purse
  3. 5.17.2009
  4. Nail Polish Tin
  5. SPF
  6. burt's
  7. Nathanael's Bedside
  8. 1:365 Burt's Bees
  9. 365:104 Oops
  10. Burts Bees

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