Friday, May 1, 2009

bathed with love

Razzle Bath

My sweet baby Razzle taking a bath! He didn't love bath-time, but he was a good boy and tolerated it. Please note: Hedgehogs should not be bathed too often since it can dry out their skin. Baths should only be given on an "as needed" basis. For dirty feet (affectionately known as "poop boots"), a shallow foot bath can be used. Never under any circumstances should a hedgehog be put in water that they cannot comfortably stand up in. Their heads should never go under water. Ok, enough lecturing - on to the show! You will see Razzle look up at me with his cute, "Oh why are you doing this to me, Mum? And must you embarrass me further and FILM me?" :)

Video Tags:hedgehog, razzle, bath

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85-year-old columnist Kitty Schindler grew up in northeastern Pennsylvania during the Depression. Her family wasn’t rich, but she still had plenty of fun at scenic spots nearby and even her own backyard — and your family can too.

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Still chasing Derby dream (Columbia Daily Tribune)
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — For the past half-century, Tom McCarthy watched Kentucky Derby week unfold from the doorstep of his barn and wondered what it would be like to be part of America’s greatest horse race. The retired high school biology teacher and principal, whose small stable of modest horses had been based at Churchill Downs since the late 1950s, couldn’t imagine he would ever ...

Google news related to bathed with love

Puppy love - San Bernardino Sun  Cleanliness for this job is a must, and this canine needs to be bathed at least twice a month. About a year ago the Grangers discovered something that would make their lives - and the strain on their wallets - a little lighter. ...

MUSIC REVIEW - Together Through Life by Bob Dylan -  My wife's hometown is bathed in his acerbic wit and wry poetry that has been a staple for many of his best songs. The album was largely conceived around Bob going into the studio to record the track “Life is Hard” for French director Oliver Dahan's ...

LA Vida LA: Jazz Night @ Teddy's Will Make You Love It - BlackBook Magazine  A smart and sexy idea. There we were, standing in Teddy's cavelike interior bathed in blue light (what else?), watching a voluptuous, short blonde woman dressed in a white sparkly dress tear through “Addicted to Love.” She was Candace Devine, ...

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